On Sunday 16th Febuary join my Reiki 2 course at sarratt village hall from 10am - 4.30pm. learn how to become a reiki practitioner, how to give professional treatments, discover how to work with the symbols and understand the chakras. course cost is £179.
on thursday 27th february Join my New moon in pisces psychic development workshop from 7.30pm - 9pm on zoom. learn how to receive insights from your inner voice and spirit guides thorugh meditation, angel cards and more! WORKSHOP COST IS £25. Also available as a recording.
on thursday 27th february Join my New moon in pisces psychic development workshop from 7.30pm - 9pm on zoom. learn how to receive insights from your inner voice and spirit guides thorugh meditation, angel cards and more! WORKSHOP COST IS £25. Also available as a recording.