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Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery? I am here to guide you to make informed and empowered choices for 2024! With a special focus on relationships and career, my expertise can help you to become clearer and more confident about your future. direction. Astrology is both my passion and profession. I can help you to understand your own Astrological Chart which gives you a map to navigate your way better through life. I am a qualified Counsellor and also work Clairvoyantly with Numerology and the Tarot to bring accurate insight and guidance. I write the weekly Stars for Woman's Own, TVT, CHAT, WOTV, and online at Woman and Home. Find out more about how I can help you below...
Check out what the first month of the year has in store for you with key dates to help you make the most of January 2025!
Recorded New Moon in Aquarius Manifesting Workshop
✨What is your vision for 2025? The New Moon in Aquarius on 29th January gives you the opportunity to start manifesting your desires! Purchase my recorded Workshop to help you relax deeply and set intentions for the New Year. £19. Contact me to purchase.
5 week Meditation Course on Zoom
Starts on Thursday 30th Jan at 10am
✨Discover the many benefits of regular meditation practice including improved sleep, a more positive mindset, increased energy and more awareness of your own inner guidance. Course cost is £60 and is held on Zoom. each session is recorded.
Your FREE 2025 Astrology Forecast
30th January, 8pm - 9pm
✨Discover how you can make 2025 your best year yet, by learning about the important Astrological transits which influence your career, love life, health and more in my FREE Forecast! This is also available as a recording. Contact me to receive the Zoom link.
Astrology & Numerology Talk dates at Champneys, Tring
Tuesday 21st January, Thursday 20th February & Thursday 20th March at 8pm
Twilight Moon Manifesting Events
Sunday 2nd March & Sunday 4th May from 4pm - 9pm at Champneys, Tring. This includes use of the Spa, 90 minute Moon Manifesting Workshop, and delicious three course dinner. £99 pp.
Moon Meditation Weekend Retreat at Forest Mere
Friday 28th March - Sunday 30th March
Individual Astrology & Numerology Readings available by appointment at Champneys Tring
Contact me for more information or to book in.